About Me
Who am I?
My name is Damian and I created Dust as an open source gift to the Burning Man community. I was the organizer for the regional Burning Man event for Las Vegas called The Forgotten City, which ran from 2011 to 2015. I created a ticketing platform called GoMobile Events for this burn and it is still used today for the regional burn SNRG.
Dust was built in 2023 for Burning Man as part of their Innovate program and later expanded for all official and non-official regional burns after that.
Whilst dust is free and my time is volunteered you can sponsor development which will offset server hosting costs, this is completely optional.
You can contact me in one of these ways:
- Email [email protected] for questions, feedback, and bug reports.
- BlueSky for updates on whats new in dust.
- Online Chat for quick answers.
- Book Some Time for a Google Meet to discuss using dust for your regional burn.
How I help you
I volunteer my time to add your burn to dust and:
- Meet with you to answer any questions you have or provide training.
- Setup camp, art and event registration (if you want to use dust for that).
- Import Camps, Events and Art (if you share from Google Sheets or export as CSV).
- Email Camps and Artists to set them up to manage their details and events.
- Validate information including checking for duplicates, invalid dates, and inappropriate content.
- Help moderate content that comes from camps and artists before it is published in dust.
- Answer questions burners have about dust and your burn or forward requests to you.
- Help with your map image whether you need a Google Maps satellite image or graphically designed one.
- Place camps, art, restrooms and more on the map (based on your Google Map or map image).
- Set you up for next years burn, archiving old data and checking in for feedback.