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Importing Events

Event information is often collected via Google Sheets, Air Table or another spreadsheet tool. If you can export to a CSV file then dust can import the event information.

Importing CSV

You can import a CSV file of events by:

  1. Click Events
  2. Click (in the top right corner)
  3. Choose Import CSV and select your CSV file

After a brief pause the events import should show any errors in your import. If you are satisfied with the data click Continue Import.

The CSV should contain the following fields in any order:

  • Name - This is the name of the event. It can be a variation, like Title, Event title, Event name, event name, name.
  • Description - This the description of the event. It can be variation, like Event Description, description.
  • Location - This is the location of the event. It will be matched to any theme camp names.
  • Date - This is the day / date the event is happening. It can be a variation like day. Formats like Wednesday, April 24 will work.
  • Start Time - This is the time the event starts. E.g. 10:30am, 13:00.
  • End Time - This is the time the event ends.
  • Image - This is an optional url to an image for the event. Variations like logo also work.
  • Type - This is an optional event type. E.g. Class/Workshop.

Note: Some Locations may not match to a theme camp. You can either modify your spreadsheet to fix this, or you create a camp with the name Unknown in dust and all events without a location will be associated with that camp. If you import without a location that is ok too.