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Camp & Event Registration

· 2 min read
Damian Tarnawsky

We've been working on making registration of theme camps and event easier for everyone.

You'll notice a new button in the dust app Manage my camp & events which will let theme camp organizers (or any burner creating an event) to easily manage their camp, it's events and music. You can also use this as a way to manage the regional burn from your phone.

Dust screenshot showing manage my camp

The new button handles registration of new camps or editing a camp or burn. Once you have registered a camp the label will change to Manage [your-camp-name].

The new button appears when your burn has the setting Allow Camp Registration turned on in Settings and is hidden if you turn the setting off (You'll need to click Publish when you make a change).


We've recently started a newsletter for dust. If you are interested in finding out about new features and update you can sign up for the newsletter.


We've been chatting with Cabbie from Volunteeripate about a collaboration. If you haven't heard of Volunteeripate, it's a platform for volunteer management and ticket sales for regional burns. Details of the collaboration are still being worked out but we're excited at the opportunity to make it easier for burners to volunteer at a burn and easily access their tickets for gate checkin.